Friday, November 18, 2011

Baby Steps

America is my home. No matter what I'm thinking or feeling about being here, it's my home. I'm back living with my mom for now. I was lucky enough to find a job very fast and now I need to figure out the best way for me to live my life happily.  I want to go back to Kenya. I would get on a plane right now if it made any sense to do that, but I know that it doesn't.  Luckily, MVA Kenya (the program I was working with) is sending all of the unused money to the Diocese of Nevada. I'll be talking with the Bishop early next week to figure out what to do with it.  I hope that it can be saved so I can return to finish the work I still feel I'm called to do. Just because things did not go exactly as I'd hoped or planned, they are not over and I am dedicated to this mission, and dedicated to the work I've been called to do. This time it didn't work out, but I'm going to try again. I'm taking baby steps to get myself back in the swing of things on the American side. Hopefully I'll be able to visit Reno soon to share my experiences and successes with the people who have supported me with this. I have a lot of pictures and a lot of really great things to share. I will go back to Kenya because it is home for me now too. I'm allowed to have 2 homes, and so I do.

1 comment:

  1. Hurray! Another breakfast with Maggie :-)

    Tell me about the job possibilities . . . where, what :-) Email me :-) Love, Doc
