Tuesday, September 13, 2011

School of the Nations

Week 2 here in Kenya.  Is it weird to say that I feel like I've already feel into a little bit of a pattern? I'm just a routine loving person I guess. I can't really help it.  

School of the Nations (I never know whether to put a "the" before that or not...) is where I'm working, but I'm finding that although so many nations are represented, I still just miss mine.  Homesickness is the word this week.  I have been listening to a lot of Owl City this week, especially Fireflies because that's pretty much the best song ever, but there is a line that I feel really describes how I feel. "I'd like to make myself believe that planet Earth turns slowly." Amen to that! I have felt this week like life in America just goes on without me and I get surprised.  How dare you all continue to live normal lives! Of course, I'm kidding, but it is a strange sensation.  I wish it were possible to be here and teach kids about Noah's Ark and still be a part of the goings on in the States.  I keep telling myself that I'm being irrational and silly, but it doesn't seem to help (duh).  I talked to a friend on the phone and I ran out of airtime in the middle of the conversation.  I felt so sad when it happened that I spent the rest of my evening sulking.  Then I realized that there was something really important that I wanted her to know, and that just made it worse.  I have more air time now, but at the time it felt like I wasn't going to talk to her again for ages.  The internet is amazing and I really appreciate how it can keep me connected to my loved ones, but it's just not the same.  There are so many times that I just want a hug and there's really nowhere for me to get one here.  It's just a bummer that I'm here (essentially) by myself.  I would love to have someone here to debrief with about everything I'm feeling.

On the other hand (the) School of the Nations is a great place and I love it! I have always loved working with kids and now I get to do it all the time! Just today I got to teach 5 year olds about Noah and the promise God sends us in the form of a rainbow, and teach 2nd graders art, and get creative for myself, and play silly games with kids during recess.  Some of you will hopefully laugh at this, but I played Big Booty with the kids on the playground and I just kept thinking about how much of a camp counselor I really am.  They loved it though, especially when they got out and had to dance in the middle of the circle.  People here love to dance. They just do it everywhere.  I dance everywhere too, but most people (including my little sister) think it's a little weird and embarrassing.  I feel like I have a whole country of kindred spirits, at least in that way.  Which reminds me that I'm here for a reason.  I am here because God put these people on my heart and I'm here for them and because of them.  Do I miss home? Yeah, you bet I do, but I know that this is where I'm supposed to be.


  1. Another week has gone by, and I can hardly wait to hear more of your adventures, and experiences. You are in my thoughts and prayers daily, along with the children you are sharing your time and talents with. Bonnie
